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发布日期:2020-10-30 作者: 编辑: 点击:


李胜利,男,工学博士,副研究员,博士生导师,入选吉林省拔尖创新人才(2021)。2014年入职永利集团304am官方入口,主要从事海洋油气资源钻采和碳中和相关基础理论与关键技术研究。近年,主持科研项目10项,包括国家自然科学基金面上项目2项和青年基金1项、中国博士后科学基金特别资助1项、吉林省重点研发项目1项等。以一作/通讯作者在Chemical Engineering JournalApplied EnergyEnergy等重要学术期刊发表SCI检索论文20余篇,授权发明专利5项。欢迎有志于从事科学技术研究的同学加入本课题组Emaillishengli@jlu.edu.cn


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,泥质粉砂储层天然气水合物二次形成动力学规律及防治方法,2022-2025,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,结合水对泥质粉砂水合物储层性质影响机制研究,2019-2022,主持

[3] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,CO2置换开采II型天然气水合物动力学规律研究,2016-2018,主持

[4] 中国博士后基金特别资助项目,天然气水合物相变机制及强化开采方法研究,2018-2020,主持

[5] 吉林省重点研发项目,II型天然气水合物储层降压开采光电融合监测技术及设备研发,2021-2024,主持

[6] 中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助,CO2置换开采混合气体水合物机理研究,2016-2020,主持

[7] “天然气水合物试采关键技术试验应用子课题,二次水合物形成机制及实验模拟,2018,主持

[8] “天然气水合物试采工程技术支撑项目子课题,海域水合物试采辅助特种装备及实验模拟-12019,主持

[9] 中国地质调查局开放课题,复杂体系天然气水合物降压分解动力学特征及开采技术研究,2016-2017,主持

[10] 公司学科交叉融合创新项目,表面活性剂提高CO2地质封存效率研究,2022-2023,主持


1. 海域天然气水合物钻采理论与技术;2. 二氧化碳地质封存(碳中和关键技术)3. 深水油气开发中水合物形成与防治


[1] S.L. Li, G.B. Zhang, Z.X Dai, S.H. Jiang, Y.H. Sun, Concurrent decomposition and replacement of marine gas hydrate with the injection of CO2-N2. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021: 129936.(中科院1TOP,影响因子:13.273

[2] Y.H. Sun, S.H. Jiang, S.L. Li*, X.C Wang, and S.Y Peng, Hydrate formation from clay bound water for CO2 storage. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 406: 126872.中科院1TOP,影响因子:13.273

[3] Y.H. Sun, G.B. Zhang, S.L. Li*, and S.H Jiang, CO2/N2 injection into CH4 + C3H8 hydrates for gas recovery and CO2 sequestration. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 375: 121973.中科院1TOP,影响因子:13.273

[4] Y.H. Sun, G.B. Zhang, J.J. Carroll, S.L. Li*, S.H. Jiang, and W. Guo, Experimental investigation into gas recovery from CH4-C2H6-C3H8 hydrates by CO2 replacement. Applied Energy, 2018, 229: 625-636.中科院1TOP,影响因子:9.746

[5] S.J. Kang, Y.H. Sun*, M.Y. Qiao, S.L. Li*, S.H. Deng, W. Guo, J.S. Li, W.T. He, The enhancement on oil shale extraction of FeCl3 catalyst in subcritical water. Energy, 2022, 238: 121763.中科院1TOP, 影响因子:7.147

[6] Ma, X.L, D.D. Jiang, Y.H. Sun*, S.L. Li*, Experimental study on hydraulic fracturing behavior of frozen clayey silt and hydrate-bearing clayey silt. Fuel, 2022. 322: 124366. 中科院1TOP, 影响因子:6.609

[7] S.J. Kang, Y.H. Sun, S.H. Deng, S.L. Li*, Y.Z. Su, W. Guo, and J.S. Li, Extraction of Huadian oil shale in subcritical FeCl2 solution. Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 211: 106571.中科院1TOP, 影响因子:7.033

[8] Ma, X.L, Y.H Sun*, B.C Liu,.. and S.L. Li*, Numerical study of depressurization and hot water injection for gas hydrate production in China's first offshore test site. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, 83: 103530.

[9] S.L. Li, Y.F. Wang, C.Y. Sun, G.J. Chen, B. Liu, Z.Y. Li, and Q.-L. Ma, Factors controlling hydrate film growth at water/oil interfaces. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 135: 412-420.

[10] Y.H. Sun, S.L. Li*, G.B. Zhang, W. Guo, and Y.H. Zhu, Hydrate phase equilibrium of CH4+N2+CO2 gas mixtures and cage occupancy behaviors. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56(28): 8133-8142.

[11] X.L. Ma, J.H. Cheng, Y.H. Sun, S.L. Li*, 2D Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing in Hydrate-Bearing Sediments Based on the Cohesive Element. Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35(5): 3825-3840.

[12] Y.H. Sun, K. Su, S.L. Li*, J.J. Carroll, and Y.-H. Zhu, Experimental Investigation into the Dissociation Behavior of CH4-C2H6-C3H8 Hydrates in Sandy Sediments by Depressurization. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(1): 204-213.

[13] S.L. Li, C.Y. Sun, G.J. Chen,.. and A.K. Sum, Measurements of hydrate film fracture under conditions simulating the rise of hydrated gas bubbles in deep water. Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, 116: 109-117.

[14] S.L. Li, C.Y. Sun, B. Liu, X.J. Feng, F.G. Li, L.T. Chen, and G.-J. Chen, Initial thickness measurements and insights into crystal growth of methane hydrate film. AIChE Journal, 2013, 59(6): 2145-2154.

[15] S.L. Li, Q.L. Ma, C.Y. Sun, L.T. Chen, B. Liu, X.J. Feng, X.Q. Wang, and G.J. Chen, A fractal approach on modeling gas hydrate phase equilibria in porous media. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2013, 356: 277-283.

[16] Y.H. Sun, S.H Jiang, S.L. Li*, G.B Zhang, and W. Guo, Growth kinetics of hydrate formation from water-hydrocarbon system. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 27(9): 2164-2179.

[17] Y.H. Sun, H.F Lu, C. Lu, S.L. Li*, and X.S Lv, Hydrate dissociation induced by gas diffusion from pore water to drilling fluid in a cold wellbore. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2018. 2(4): 410-417.

[18] S.L. Li, Y.-H. Sun, K. Su, W. Guo, and Y.H. Zhu, Numerical simulation of CH4 hydrate formation in fractures. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2018, 36(5): 1279-1294.

[19] S.L. Li, X.H. Wang, C.Y. Sun, Y. Qing, and G.-J. Chen, Methane recovery from natural gas hydrate in porous sediment using gaseous CO2, Liquid CO2, and CO2 emulsion, Gas Injection for Disposal and Enhanced Recovery. 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. p. 357-370.

[20] S.L. Li, C.Y. Sun, B. Liu, Z.Y. Li, G.J. Chen, and A.K. Sum, New observations and insights into the morphology and growth kinetics of hydrate films. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4.

[21] 苏凯, 张国彪, 孙友宏, 李胜利*, 郭威, 冻土区裂隙性地层中水合物形成机理及相态研究. 石油钻探技术, 2016, 44(02): 93-98.


[1] 李胜利; 江书慧; 孙友宏; 张国彪; 一种径向水平井与降压注热联合开采天然气水合物的方法, 2021, ZL201811541307.7.

[2] 孙友宏; 贾瑞; 李胜利; 郭威; 张鹏宇; 王元; 张国彪; 陈光华; 苏凯; 射流破碎、反循环输送浆态海洋天然气水合物的开采方法及开采装置, 2019, ZL201611203108.6.

[3] 孙友宏; 江书慧; 李胜利; 张国彪; 采用含防膨剂压裂液提高天然气水合物开采效率的方法, 2020, ZL201811540953.1.

